The services I offer:
(Usually I have very busy schedule, so better to book in advance!)
• Live Lectures (…private and for groups or for different clubs and companys all over the world! Also online!)
• Deep Analysis of your games by me+conclusions+working plan for improving!
• Play training games online (blitz or classical)!
• Video lecture on different openings!
• My best games analyzed! (few are already for free as examples)
• I will publish best games analyzed by my best students!
If you’re interested in one of these services you can contact me on koganart@hotmail.com
Los Servicios que ofrezco
(Normalmente tengo la agenda muy ajetreada, por eso es mejor reservar con antelación)
• Clases Online y en vivo (particulares o en grupo o para diferente clubs de todo el mundo!)
• Análisis profundo de sus partidas + conclusiones + plan de trabajo para mejorar!
• Jugar partidas de entrenamiento online (rápidas o clásicas)!
• Clases mediante videollamadas sobre diferentes aperturas!
• Mis mejores partidas analizadas (algunas ya están en la web como ejemplo!)•
• Publico las mejores partidas (analizadas) de mis alumnos
Si estáis interesados en alguno de estos servicios no dudéis de contactarme enviándome un e-mail koganart@hotmail.com
Why me?
My lessons approach:
I believe in a personal approach, discussing with the student his goals, weaknesses, strengths…
Giving him important tips and advices how to enjoy and in the same time improve his chess as quick as possible!
First step is having a deep look at his (her) recent games, and then help to fix all the weaknesses one by one and make stronger the good points.
Olalachess is about teaching how to play with a harmony!
I also combine the good old Russian chess school system of showing and explaining important classical games and teaching about typical chess positions.
Why I would enjoy being your Instructor:
I love chess and I like to teach and share my love and passion to the game!
I like to help people to be able to use their potential and to enjoy more their chess games!
I cooperate with many chess magazines like Jaque, Europechec(France), Escacs (catalan), SOS (Holand),Chessbase…